Experience Provider

Novalis Tours ico-vefified-1

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  • 299 les avis


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Avis des invités

Affichage 51 -60 299 total
Y. Sarah

E. Kimberly

04/11/2024 10:24

so fun

Informative and fun! Our guide shared interesting facts and stories, and we saw so much in just five hours.
Z. Emily

B. Kenneth

04/02/2024 10:23

wonderful time with friends

Our tour guide was great. He knew so much about the area and made the tour really enjoyable.
O. Donna

Y. Thomas

04/06/2024 10:23

Great adventure

An excellent tour of Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Santa Monica. We saw so many famous spots and learned a lot.
C. Karen

I. Andrew

04/07/2024 10:21


An amazing tour! We saw the Walk of Fame, Rodeo Drive, and the Santa Monica Pier. It was well worth it.
Q. Mary

J. Kimberly

04/05/2024 10:20

Highly recommended!

I highly recommend this tour. It was a great way to see some of the most iconic parts of LA in one day.
X. Elizabeth

Z. William

04/13/2024 10:17

wonderful time in turkey

The tour was relaxing and beautiful. Cruising the Bosphorus on a luxury yacht was a highlight of our trip to Istanbul.
H. John

S. Karen

04/06/2024 10:10

Great adventure, i love it

Fantastic ride with incredible views of Antalya. It was calm and relaxing, and we took some great photos
E. Karen

R. Donna

04/05/2024 10:07

Highly enjoyable experience.

The hot air balloon ride gave us fantastic views of Antalya and it was very peaceful.
U. Susan

T. Matthew

03/30/2024 10:06

Highly recommended! loved it

An amazing way to start the morning. The hot air balloon ride over Antalya was beautiful and very relaxing.
K. Anthony

Q. Mark

04/05/2024 10:05

wonderful time

This hot air balloon ride was the highlight of our trip to Antalya. The views were amazing and it was so peaceful up there.
Affichage 51 -60 299 total