Experience Provider

Novalis Tours ico-vefified-1

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  • 299 les avis


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Avis des invités

Affichage 61 -70 299 total
U. Margaret

T. Barbara

04/05/2024 10:04

Fun for All Ages

We got some great photos on the hot air balloon ride. The views of Antalya were stunning and the experience was very enjoyable
X. Lisa

C. Betty

04/02/2024 10:03

looooove it

We absolutely loved the hot air balloon ride. Seeing Antalya from above was incredible and the ride was very relaxing
U. Andrew

W. Daniel

04/03/2024 10:03

Highly recommended!

Worth every penny! The hot air balloon ride gave us stunning views of Antalya and it was a fantastic experience.
U. Emily

L. George

04/08/2024 10:02

Great adventure

A beautiful experience. The hot air balloon ride over Antalya was peaceful and the views were breathtaking
U. William

L. Andrew

03/31/2024 10:02

wonderful time

The views from the hot air balloon were amazing. It was a great experience and I would do it again
Y. Joseph

O. Karen

04/09/2024 10:01

wonderful time

A magical morning in the skies of Antalya. The hot air balloon ride was beautiful and peaceful.
O. Andrew

Y. William

04/08/2024 10:00

Highly recommended!

Unforgettable! The hot air balloon ride gave us the best views of Antalya and it was a serene experience
C. Nancy

T. Paul

04/02/2024 09:56

Highly recommended!

love it so much
G. Anthony

V. Steven

04/06/2024 09:51

soooo impressive

Views and vistas with lunch made for a perfect day. The cable car ride was spectacular, and the meal was equally impressive
Q. Mary

K. Joseph

04/02/2024 09:50

Great adventure

High altitude dining at its best! The cable car ride provided stunning views, and the lunch was a wonderful surprise
Affichage 61 -70 299 total