Experience Provider

Novalis Tours ico-vefified-1

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  • 299 les avis


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Avis des invités

Affichage 151 -160 299 total
U. James

M. Andrew

03/30/2024 10:33


We loved every minute of the boat tour. The guide provided interesting facts about the area, and the scenery was beautiful.
M. Charles

A. Jessica

04/11/2024 10:31

Perfect Activity

This tour exceeded our expectations. The crew went above and beyond to make sure we had a great time. The views were simply stunning.
N. Nancy

N. Margaret

04/08/2024 10:30

Perfect Afternoon Activity

A perfect way to spend an afternoon in Cancun. The boat was well-maintained, and the tour was very well-organized
G. Joshua

X. Matthew

03/29/2024 09:58

Amazing Marine Life

We had a fantastic time on the scenic boat tour. The highlight was definitely the crystal-clear water and the vibrant coral reefs.
P. Patricia

W. Thomas

04/10/2024 09:41

Breathtaking Experience

An absolutely breathtaking experience! The views were stunning, and the crew was incredibly friendly and knowledgeable. Highly recommend!
H. Barbara

R. Charles

04/01/2024 09:40

Highlight of Our Cancun Trip

The best part of our Cancun trip! The boat was comfortable, and we saw some amazing marine life. The sunset was spectacular.
A. Patricia

X. Kenneth

03/01/2024 21:54

wonderful time with friends

Two hours of heaven! The spa's luxurious setting made it a truly royal experience
M. Sarah

Z. Ashley

02/29/2024 21:53

love every single min

Highly recommend for anyone visiting New York. It’s a quick tour but packed with so much beauty and history.
M. Anthony

E. Matthew

03/06/2024 21:53

Highly recommended!

Perfect way to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island without the crowds. The boat was comfortable and not too packed.
N. Jessica

G. Sarah

02/22/2024 21:52

SO MUCH FUN , recommanded

Such an informative and enjoyable cruise. The guide was knowledgeable and made the trip fun.
Affichage 151 -160 299 total