Experience Provider

Novalis Tours ico-vefified-1

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  • 299 les avis


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Avis des invités

Affichage 121 -130 299 total
G. Linda

E. Sarah

04/09/2024 15:03


This private tour was the highlight of our trip. The guide was friendly, informative, and made sure we had a great time exploring the city.
D. Jennifer

I. Paul

04/12/2024 15:01

Highly recommended!

The parasailing and jet ski experience in Cancun was thrilling! The views from the parasail were incredible, and the jet ski ride was exhilarating.
H. Steven

Y. Susan

04/11/2024 14:59

It was such happy day

Safety was a top priority, and we felt well taken care of throughout. Both the parasailing and jet skiing were exciting and very enjoyable.
N. Linda

M. Thomas

04/01/2024 14:58

Great adventure

The combination of parasailing and jet skiing was perfect. We got to enjoy the serene beauty from above and the excitement of the waves below.
T. Kimberly

J. Nancy

04/08/2024 14:57

wonderful time with friends

Highly recommend this combo!
M. Kimberly

O. William

04/05/2024 14:57


The tour was well-organized, and we had a lot of fun. The parasailing gave us a bird's-eye view of Cancun, and the jet skiing was exhilarating
V. Joseph

W. Jessica

04/11/2024 14:56

Highly recommended!

A truly memorable day out. The parasailing provided beautiful panoramic views, and the jet skiing was an adrenaline-packed experience.
X. Sarah

B. Patricia

03/31/2024 14:55

wonderful time with friends

The views from parasailing were incredible. The jet ski ride afterward was the perfect way to enjoy the water. An unforgettable experience.
E. Dorothy

O. Thomas

04/02/2024 14:55

A perfect activity for couples

. We loved the parasailing views together and had a blast jet skiing. A romantic and exciting experience.
H. Robert

Y. William

04/08/2024 14:54

wonderful exp

An adrenaline rush from start to finish! Parasailing was beautiful and relaxing, while jet skiing was fast-paced and exciting.
Affichage 121 -130 299 total