Experience Provider

Morocco Treks ico-vefified-1

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  • 134 les avis


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Avis des invités

Affichage 131 -134 134 total
April Lowell

April Lowell

10/09/2023 22:00

Nature's Bounty

It was an unforgettable experience. The atmosphere was amazing and the nature was breathtaking. We learned how to make local traditional dishes with local ingredients, and they were all absolutely delicious. I highly recommend.
Fred Lively

Fred Lively

11/02/2023 22:00

Exploring Moroccan Cuisine

I had a wonderful time at the cooking workshop. the chef shared her passion for Moroccan cuisine with us. We learned how to make a variety of traditional dishes, and they all turned out delicious. The class was also a great way to meet other people and learn about Moroccan and berber culture.
Valerie Castiglione

Valerie Castiglione

10/28/2023 22:00

Flavors of Morocco

The Moroccan Cooking Workshops was a great way to learn about the local cuisine and culture. Our instructor was very knowledgeable and passionate about food, and she made the class fun and interactive. We made a variety of traditional dishes, and they all tasted amazing. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to learn more about Moroccan cooking.
Alice Voigt

Alice Voigt

11/23/2023 22:00

Berber Cooking Workshop

I had an amazing time at the berber cooking workshop . It was a fantastic experience and I have learned a lot about the morrocan and berber culture. I was so impressed with the quality of the ingredients. I would definitely recommend
Affichage 131 -134 134 total